Cheat sheet
Search syntax is keyword: value. Multiple keyword: value pairs should be separated by a space. Search results show matched songs in the songs tab and matched singers in the singers tab. Search results are further filtered by the dropdown options. [!] sung: (yyyy/mm/dd|any) - (yyyy/mm/dd|any) songs between the dates [!] sung: 2(y | m | w | d | h) songs within the last 2 years, months, weeks, days, hours. [!] Favorite: song | singers | both Songs or singers marked as favorites [!] unfavorite: song | singers | both Songs or singers marked as unfavorites [!] type: join | other | solo | group | invite | unknown | other Song types [!] State: playable | downloaded | played | requested | ready | error | deleted Playable state of the song [!] playlist: PlaylistName Playlists [!] media: audio | video | animation Song media [!] follow: follower | following | both | onlyi Singers that follow or followed [!] joins: (n1|any) - (n2|any)...