Advanced search

Beyond the basic use cases, you can search for any set of songs or singers using the syntax 

keyword: value

The songs tab shows the matched songs and the singers tab shows the singers who sang those matched songs. 

You can enter any number of keyword: value pairs. 

You can also add a exclamation ! in front of a keyword: value pair to negate that criteria. 

Each search is further filtered by the options you choose in the dropdowns. So, please make sure that you select the right options in the dropdowns.


Search by date sung

Search songs by when they were sung. Use 'any' to ignore one side of the date range. 

  • sung: 2021/2/1 - 2021/3/1 
    • Songs from Feb 2021
  • sung: 2021/2/1 -  any
    • Songs on or after Feb 1, 2021
  • sung: any - 2021/3/1 
    • Songs before Mar 1, 2021
  • sung: 2021/2/1 - 2021/3/1 sung: 2021/10/1 - 2021/11/1 
    • Songs from Feb or Oct, 2021
  • sung: 2y 
    • Songs within the last two years. 
    • Use the suffix y for years, m for months (30 days), w for weeks, d for days and h for hours. No space is allowed between the number '2' and the letter 'y'. 


Search by song type

See this article on song types for more details.

  • type: join  
    • Songs that you joined someone
  • type: other
    • Songs that others joined your invites (OCs)
  • type: solo
    • Your solos
  • type: group
    • Group songs
  • type: invite
    • Your invites
  • type: unknown
    • Songs of unknown type. 
  • !type: other
    • All songs except others' joins on your invites. This is similar to what you see in your Smule profile.  
  • type: join type: solo
    • Your joins with others and your solos. 

Search by favorite and unfavorite

See the articles on favorites for more details.

  • favorite: song
    • Songs marked as favorites
  • favorite: singers
    • Singers marked as favorites
  • favorite: both
    • Songs marked as favorites or songs marked as neutral and the singer marked as favorite. This is how My FM tab chooses favorites. 
  • unfavorite: song
    • Songs marked as unfavorites
  • unfavorite: singers
    • Singers marked as unfavorites
  • unfavorite: both
    • Songs marked as unfavorites or songs marked as neutral and the singer marked as unfavorite. My FM never plays these songs. 

Search by song state

See the article on song states for more details. 
  • state: playable
    • Songs that are playable when the device is online. 
  • state: downloaded
    • Songs already downloaded to your device
  • state: played
    • Songs that you have played before, from this app
  • state: requested
    • Songs which asked you to retry later. This gives you such songs until they are ready to play.  
  • state: ready
    • Songs which asked you to retry later, that are now ready to play.
  • state: error
    • Temporary error in getting the song
  • state: deleted
    • The song has been deleted in Smule.  

Search by playlist name

You can search for songs in a playlist.
  • playlist: play123
    • Songs in the playlist named 'play123'

Search by media 

You can search by the media type.
  • media: audio
    • Songs recorded with audio only
  • media: video
    • Songs recorded with video
  • media: animation
    • Songs recorded with audio and animation

Search by follower

You can search for various type of followers. See the article on followers

  • follow: follower
    • Singers that follow you. In the songs tab, shows the songs from such singers. 
  • follow: following
    • Singers that you are following
  • follow: both
    • Singers that you follow who follow you back
  • follow: onlyi
    • Singers that only you follow who do not follow you back

Search by number of joins

Search for your invites (OC) based on how many joins it got. Use 'any' to specify that you do not care about one side of the range. 
  • joins: 10 - 200
    • Invites that have between 10 and 200 joins. 
  • joins: 10 - any
    • Invites with 10 or more joins
  • joins: any - 10
    • Invites with 10 or fewer joins
  • joins: 15 - 15
    • Invites that have exactly 15 joins

Search for joiners in certain invites

The previous keyword joins, would match only your invites. But say, you want to find the songs or the singers who joined those invites, then, use joiners. 

  • joiners: 5 - 10
    • Joins from others in the invites that have 5 to10 joins. Such singers are shown in the singers tab. 
  • joins: any - 5
    • Joins from others in the invites that have between 0 to 5 joins

Search by number of times a song was repeated

You can search for songs that you repeated X number of times or songs that you never repeated. See the article on repeated songs for more details. Please pick the 'Profile view' under 'Show songs' when you use this search criteria. 

  • repeat: 3 - any
    • Matches songs that were repeated 3 or more times
  • repeat: 1 - 1
    • Matches songs that were never repeated

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