
You can mark a song as a favorite thumb_up or unfavorite thumb_down. If you do not mark a song as a favorite or unfavorite (that is, you do not tap on thumb_up or thumb_down), the song is considered as neutral. Additionally, you can also mark a singer as a favorite or unfavorite. 

Favorite songs

A song is a favorite if either the song is marked as a favorite or the song is neutral and the singer is marked as a favorite. 

You might have a few singers with who you like all the joins, whether they joined you or you joined them. Just mark them as your favorites. All their songs would be automatically considered a favorite. If on a rare occasion, they were not up to the mark on a join, just mark that song as an unfavorite. 

See the article on the My FM tab to see how you can play just your favorite songs. 

Unfavorite songs

A song is an unfavorite if either you mark the song as an unfavorite or the song is neutral and the singer is marked as an unfavorite. 

Unfavorite songs are never included in the My FM tab. They are also never downloaded to your device.

You can search for all the types of song and singer favorites as explained here

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