Playable songs

What songs are "playable" depends on whether your device is online or offline. 

When your device is online

When your device is online, a song is playable if it has been already downloaded download_done to your device or if it is ready to play download_2 from Smule. 

You will notice that when you tap on some songs in Smule, it keeps spinning for a minute and then plays the song. These songs are not ready to play downloading from Smule.

When you tap on these songs in this app, it will show you a message asking you to wait. Once the song is available, you would notice that the third icon on the song cover image changes from downloading to download_2. This song is now "ready to play". You can play it immediately. 

Songs which are not ready to play are not included when you click the play button on any of the three tabs as explained here. In the 'My FM' tab, you will not even see these songs in the song list. In the Songs tab, you will see these songs, so you can tap on them to play later. 

If a song does not play several minutes after tapping, click on the open in Smule icon open_in_browser and try to play it from Smule. If/Once it plays from Smule, it would play immediately from this app. 

When your device is offline

When your device is offline, it is simple. Only the downloaded songs are playable. 

My FM tab would show only the downloaded songs. Play buttons on each tab would play only the downloaded songs. 

You can see the article on downloaded songs for more information. 

Playable songs can sometimes become unplayable

When you installed this app or when you refreshed new songs, the app records whether a song is playable or not. 

Subsequently, Smule might make the song not playable immediately. This app would learn about this change only when you try to play that song. 

In that case, the app would mark the song as unplayable. 

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