Profile changes

 This article covers what happens in when you or another singer makes changes to their profile. 

If you make changes to your Smule profile, it would be shown the next time you restart the app. Since there are only a few places in this app where you see your own profile details (like, from the setting icon), you may not notice this change immediately. 

When one of the singers that you sang with makes a change to their profile, it takes some time to be seen in the app. 

If the singer changed their name or profile picture, it would  be seen in the app only after a long time (currently set to six months). As we usually sing with a lot of singers in Smule, this has been deliberately set to be a rare activity. But, if you know that a singer changed their profile, you can click on the refresh icon under their name in the Songs tab, to update immediately. 

If a singer changes their Smule ID, it would be updated after they or you join a song. The songs that they sang under both IDs would be merged into their latest ID. If you had set them to be a favorite or unfavorite before, that setting would be maintained. Follower/Followee information would also be maintained. The refresh notification would say which users changed their Smule IDs. It can sometimes take a second refresh of new songs before the two singer IDs are merged, due to an efficiency reason.

If a singer stops or starts following you, that would also be reflected only much later. See this article for more information on this. 

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