Repeated songs

Often, you sing the same song multiple times. Now, there is a way to see these songs in

From the Songs tab, pick 'Repeats'. You will see a list of songs that you sang more than once. Each song would show how many times you sang them. Other details, including icons and date of the song, would reflect the last time you sang the song. 

The list would be ordered by the last time you sang each song. It might also be preferable to order it by number of times sung, but that is for a future release. 

If you tap on the song, it will play all the times you sang that song - by joining someone, posting an invite (OC), group or as a solo. It will not show other's joins on your duet invites, because that is not a repeat. 

Whether a song is a repeat is determined purely by it's title. This would result in two kinds of errors:

  1. If you sang the same song from two different uploads, whose titles have a few characters that are different, they would be treated as different songs. 
  2. If two songs have the same title (like 'Hello' from Lionel Ritchie and Adele), they will be treated as if they are the same song. 

Ideally, the app would determine that two songs are the same from the audio recording itself, but such features are too advanced for this app, at this stage. 

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