Song types

There can be six kinds of songs in your Smule profile:

  1. Duets that you joined on other's invites ('My joins') arrow_forward
  2. Duets that others joined on your invites ('Other's joins') arrow_back
  3. Invites that you posted, also called OCs ('My invites') insert_invitation
  4. Group songs ('Group joins') group
  5. Solos ('My solos') person
  6. Unknown type device_unknown

The leftmost icon on top of each song's cover image would be one of the above six icons, showing its type.

'Unknown type' are songs that are not included in any of the above five categories. These songs seem to have some error while they were uploaded. These songs do not play from Smule and keep spinning for a long time. See advanced search. Only some users have songs under this category and they have only a small number of them.  

You can see the count of songs in each type from the Songs tab - Song types dropdown. 

The views section in 'Song types' contains two more categories 'Profile view' and 'All'. 'Profile view', the default, contains the songs that you see on your profile in the Smule app. It is a combination of all the types above except 'Other's joins'. 

'All songs' is just a combination of everything above. It is useful to see what activity happened recently in your Smule account. It is also useful to see 'Unknown type', as that is not an option. Choose 'All songs' and in the search box enter, type: unknown

The other three options shown in 'Song types' are not really types, but features of this app. Each of these options has its own page in the docs:

  1. Playlist
  3. Repeats

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