First time

The first time you open the app, you have to go through a few steps for the app to set up your device with information about all your songs in Smule. 

Before you start

Please make sure that you are in a place with a good internet connection. 

Entering your Smule ID

The first step is to enter your Smule ID and accept the privacy policy and terms and conditions. The app checks that it is a valid Smule ID. Your Smule ID is what you see after the @ symbol on your profile. 

Confirming your Smule ID

In this step, the app ensures that you are the owner of the Smule ID that you entered. It asks you to enter a code in your Smule bio. This step ensures that others cannot use this app on your Smule account.

Once you enter the code in your bio and click on confirm, you can remove the code from your Smule bio. The code is a random number generated each time someone tries to start using the app. So, even if anyone sees this code on your Smule bio, they cannot use this app on your account. 

Downloading your posts

Once you confirm your Smule ID, the app starts downloading the data about songs that you posted. This step takes only a few minutes regardless of how many songs you have in your Smule profile. 

During this step, it is strongly recommend that you keep the app open in the foreground and the device unlocked. 

You will see an estimate of the maximum time that this step would take. 

Main screen opens

Once the app downloads what you posted, it opens the main screen of the app and you can start using it. In the background, the app starts downloading data on joins from other singers on each of your invites. 

At this stage, you can close and restart the app if needed. This step of the process will continue from the particular invite for which it was downloading the join information. You can see the progress of this step by clicking on the refresh icon at the top. 

The data from above two steps consumes insignificant amounts of storage on your device (about 10 MB for 30,000 songs). On the other hand, a single video song that you download from Smule consumes about 30 MB. 

I have a lot of songs in Smule. Would it work?

It should absolutely work. While your joins with other singers would show up immediately (up to 10,000 joins), others' joins on your invites will update slowly over time. If you have thousands of joins on each invite, it might take several hours of app uptime to sync up fully. 

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